일러스트레이터/아티스트로 활동하고 있습니다. 지루한 현실을 벗어나기위해 그림 세계로의 도피를 즐깁니다. 대부분의 사람들이 이상하다고 여기는 것들에서 독특한 아름다움을 찾아내는 것을 좋아합니다. 초현실적인 소재나 기이한 것을 그리는데에 특화되어 있습니다. 반짝이는 밤 하늘, 삶과 죽음, 장식적인 프레임, 뼈와 해골, 책 속 문장으로부터 영감을 얻곤 합니다.
Instagram @nong247 / 📩 chohyunkm@gmail.com
Instagram @nong247 / 📩 chohyunkm@gmail.com
I'm an illustrator and an artist, based in South-Korea. I'm specialising in dark, bizarre, surrealistic themed black and white works. I love to find unique beauty in what most people think is strange or peculiar. Starry night sky, life and death, ornamental frames, skeletons/bones, literature are great artistic inspiration for me.
Speaking more about the 'life and death' that I mentioned above, I love the phrase which about the transience and futility of life as much as I love the hymn dedicated to a beautiful life. Because I believe that realizing and accepting the fact that there is always an end to life is perhaps the true achievement for us. And I want to express that simple fact through my artworks, and I wish that people can realize it in my artworks.
If you are interested in starting a project with me, such as album cover design, book covers, illustration work, or any other creative endeavor, please feel free to send me an email with a detailed description and relevant information. Thank you!
Instagram @nong247 / 📩 chohyunkm@gmail.com
If you are interested in starting a project with me, such as album cover design, book covers, illustration work, or any other creative endeavor, please feel free to send me an email with a detailed description and relevant information. Thank you!
Instagram @nong247 / 📩 chohyunkm@gmail.com